Medical Records

Ex 01 - C&R dated 3/12/2019

Ex 02 - P&S report by PTP Dr. Harold Iseke, dated 10/15/2018

Ex 03 - PQME Todd W Peters, MD, initial report dated 9-6-2018

Ex 04 - Medical records relevant to the accident 2-23-2014

Ex 05 - Medical records relevant to the accident 10-13-2003

Ex 06 - Medical records relevant to the accident 01-03-2005

Ex 07 - Medical records relevant to the accident 12-23-2003

Ex 08 - MRI of cervical spine dated 05-12-2018

Ex 09 - Evan Disney authorization for release of records EDD

Ex 10 - Evan Disney Deposition transcript dated 04-19-18

Ex 11 - Social Security Administration record release form

Ex 12 - SIF ME - VOCATIONAL EXPERT Report by Madonna Garcia

Ex 13 - SIF ME - NEUROLOGY Supplemental report by Dr Richman, M.D.

Ex 14 - SIF ME – OPHTHALMOLOGY Report by Dr Babak Kamkar OD


Ex 16 - SIF ME – OTOLARYNGOLOGY PaulM. Goodman, M.D., F.A.C.S.

Ex 17 - SIF ME – ORTHOPEDICS James M. Fait, M.D.

Ex 18 - SIF ME – PSYCHOLOGY – report by Nhung Phan, Psy.D., QME

Ex 19 - SIF ME – INTERNAL – report by Dr Sarneer Gupta, M.D.

Ex 20 - SIF ME – NEUROLOGY report by Dr. Lawrence M. Richman, M.D

Ex 21 - GOFNUNG DC - SIF Medical Evaluator's ML 201 Report 11-8-2021

Ex 22 - DWC 1 - specific ADJ11804165

Ex 23 - DWC 1 -CT ortho ADJ11231848

Ex 24 - DWC 1 -CT psych ADJ12037148

Ex 25 - Acceptance - neck 6-21-2018

Ex 26 - Acceptance of claim 6-8-2018

Ex 27 - Denial

Ex 28 - med rep Neurosurgical Consultation 2014

Ex 29 - Liberty mutual Medical Records

Ex 30 - Veteran Hospital Records

Ex 31 - Butler Chiropractic Health Clinic

Ex 32 - Medical records personal insurance

Workers Defenders Law Group
751 E Weir Canyon Rd Ste 157-455
Anaheim CA 92808